We offer two shades of white fondant. The first is a whitefondant like the color of a marshmallow which is slightly offwhite. This is our most popular fondant color and also the mosteconomical. The second is a pure bright white fondant which ispopular for wedding cakes, full covers, and other highlightswhen a very white fondant is needed. Click on one of theswatches below to see the difference and choose the one that’s“white” for you!
When you select your white fondant color our system will ask youto select your flavor then present you with the products offeredthat match your selection. We are excited about fondant colors!
We offer two shades of white fondant. The first is awhite fondant like the color of a marshmallow which isslightly off white. This is our most popular fondantcolor and also the most economical. The second is apure bright white fondant which is popular for weddingcakes, full covers, and other highlights when a verywhite fondant is needed. Click on one of the swatchesbelow to see the difference and choose the one that’s“white” for you!
When you select your white fondant color our systemwill ask you to select your flavor then present you withthe products offered that match your selection. Weare excited about fondant colors!