5 Pound Pail Container $1.89*Others Average Shipping $14.95
or 17 cents! 5 Pound Sealed Bag or $5.82! *Our Average Shipping
Only open what you need and seal up any leftovers. For years milk, tea, and sodas were only sold inglass. Sugar, flour, and rice were sold in buckets. We now buy powdered sugar in bags. What do youthink it would cost in a bucket? It also cost on average 30% more to ship a bucket. We hope you agreethat it just makes sense and will join us in kicking the bucket! Take a look at our bucket unbeatablepricing by choosing a fondant color at the link below. We appreciate your business!
10 Pound Bucket $2.67*Others Average Shipping $16.84
or 34 cents! Two 5 Pound Sealed Bags or $8.93! *Our Average Shipping
20 Pound Bucket $3.72*Others Average Shipping $22.63+
or 68 cents! Four 5 Pound Sealed Bags or FREE! *Our Average Shipping
Two 20 Pound Buckets $7.04*Others Average Shipping $34.85+
or $1.36! Eight 5 Pound Sealed Bags or FREE!*Our Average Shipping
Kick The BucketHelp us kick the bucket! How much are you paying for a pail or bucket?How much for shipping? Up to 20% of the cost to manufacture fondant is inthe packaging. Below are pricing examples on FDA approved food pailsand buckets compared to FDA approved 6 mil. air tight sealed non-stickbags. Most buckets are thrown away when empty creating more plastic inour landfills and spoiling our future environment. Our packaging processuses only 2% of the plastic as compared to buckets! We include a heavyduty resealable bag with fondant orders to save any leftovers. Join us inthis cause and save some money in the process, especially on shipping!
What Are You Paying?
*Actual shipping charges will vary and may be higher or lower depending on yourshipping address. Prices listed above are based on our average shipping charges theprevious quarter or current sales promotion. Competitive shipping prices also vary. Viewour best fondant pricing here!
15 Pound Bucket $3.16*Others Average Shipping $19.34
or 51 cents! Three 5 Pound Sealed Bags or FREE! *Our Average Shipping
5 Pound Pail Container $1.89*Others Average Shipping $14.95
or 17 cents! 5 Pound Sealed Bag or $5.82! *Our Average Shipping
Only open what you need and seal up any leftovers. Foryears milk, tea, and sodas were only sold in glass. Sugar,flour, and rice were sold in buckets. We now buy powderedsugar in bags. What do you think it would cost in a bucket? Italso cost on average 30% more to ship a bucket. We hopeyou agree that it just makes sense and will join us in kickingthe bucket! Take a look at our bucket unbeatable pricing bychoosing a fondant color at the link below. We appreciate your business!
10 Pound Bucket $2.67*Others Average Shipping $16.84
or 34 cents! Two 5 Pound Sealed Bags or $8.93! *Our Average Shipping
20 Pound Bucket $3.72*Others Average Shipping $22.63+
or 68 cents! Four 5 Pound Sealed Bags or FREE! *Our Average Shipping
Two 20 Pound Buckets $7.04*Others Average Shipping $34.85+
or $1.36! Eight 5 Pound Sealed Bags or FREE!*Our Average Shipping
Kick The BucketHelp us kick the bucket! How much are you paying for a pailor bucket? How much for shipping? Up to 20% of the cost tomanufacture fondant is in the packaging. Below are pricingexamples on FDA approved food pails and buckets comparedto FDA approved 6 mil. air tight sealed non-stick bags. Mostbuckets are thrown away when empty creating more plastic inour landfills and spoiling our future environment. Ourpackaging process uses only 2% of the plastic as comparedto buckets! We include a heavy duty resealable bag withfondant orders to save any leftovers. Join us in this cause andsave some money in the process, especially on shipping!
What Are You Paying?
*Actual shipping charges will vary and may be higher or lowerdepending on your shipping address. Prices listed above arebased on our average shipping charges the previous quarteror current sales promotion. Competitive shipping prices alsovary. View our best fondant pricing here!
15 Pound Bucket $3.16*Others Average Shipping $19.34
or 51 cents! Three 5 Pound Sealed Bags or FREE! *Our Average Shipping