Use icing flavor powder to flavor your fondant or frosting. DIY flavor packets are easy to use. Flavor your fondant or frosting as you make it with our powdered sugar based flavoring in pre-measured packets.
Clear Icing Flavor Powder For Fondant or Frosting
Choose your icing flavor or fondant flavor to accent your cake. For example, if you have lemon cake flavor, then try lemon flavor powder. Using vanilla cake flavor, then try with vanilla flavor powder. Or... You can also use a different complementary flavor for a new unique taste. For example, if you have chocolate cake try fudge, white chocolate, raspberry or toffee. There are so many combinations of flavors that can create a unique taste found nowhere else, except by you! When you select a flavor, all of the powdered flavor products and prices available will be listed.Currently 28 powder clear powdered flavors are offered along with 108 colors. Mix and match to get creative!
Our clear flavor powder will not change the color of your fondant or icing! Using powdered flavors will not water down your frosting or make your fondant sticky. Currently we offer 28 clear flavor powdersand more on the way. Orders over $20 receive free ground shipping! Get the exact flavor you want without the mess of water, gel, or alcohol base flavorings. Each flavor powder packet will flavor 3 poundsof fondant or 3 pounds of frosting (6 - 8oz. cups). Substitute an equal amount of powdered sugar in recipes with powdered flavor. For example, if you use 1 oz. of powder flavor then use 1 oz. less of powdered sugar for consistency in your recipe. Start by choosing your favorite flavor below.
Try out bright white color powder on your icing and see the difference yourself in the video above or order a sample to try in person.
Use icing flavor powder to flavor your fondant or frosting. DIY flavor packets are easy to use. Flavor your fondant or frosting as you make it with our powdered sugar based flavoring in pre-measured packets.
Our clear flavor powder will not change the color of your fondant or icing! Using powdered flavors will not water down your frosting or make your fondant sticky. Currently we offer 28 clear flavor powders and more on the way. Orders over $20 receive free groundshipping! Get the exact flavor you want without the mess of water, gel, or alcohol base flavorings. Each flavor powder packet will flavor 3 pounds of fondantor 3 pounds of frosting (6 - 8oz. cups). Substitute an equal amount of powdered sugar in recipes with powdered flavor. For example, if you use 1 oz. of powder flavor then use 1 oz. less of powdered sugar for consistency in your recipe. Start by choosingyour favorite flavor below.
Choose your icing flavor or fondant flavor to accent your cake. For example, if you have lemon cake flavor, then try lemon flavor powder. Using vanilla cake flavor, then try with vanilla flavor powder. Or... You can also use a different complementary flavor for a new unique taste. For example, if you have chocolate cake try fudge, white chocolate, raspberry or toffee. There are so many combinations of flavors that can create a unique taste found nowhere else, except by you! When you select a flavor, all of the powdered flavor products and prices available will be listed.Currently 28 powder clear powdered flavors are offered along with 108 colors. Mix and match to get creative!
Try out bright white color powder on your icing and see the difference yourself in the video above or order a sample to try in person.