The softer pastel fondant colors are beautiful. Pastels are used widely for baby showers,birthdays, and wedding colors. Choose from our large selection of pastels to get the exact softcolor needed. Use for ribbons, highlights, bows, pearls, cut outs, flowers, and many edibledecorations. Offer your customers a wide selection of pastel colors unmatched in taste or pricing!
Choose your perfect pastel colored fondant below and our system will askyou to pick your flavor then present you with the products offered matchingyour selections. Also available in pastel fondant powders.
The softer pastel fondant colors are beautiful. Pastelsare used widely for baby showers, birthdays, andwedding colors. Choose from our large selection ofpastels to get the exact soft color needed. Use forribbons, highlights, bows, pearls, cut outs, flowers, andmany edible decorations. Offer your customers a wideselection of pastel colors unmatched in taste or pricing!
Choose your perfect pastel colored fondant below andour system will ask you to pick your flavor then presentyou with the products offered matching your selections.Also available in pastel fondant powders.