Looking for gray fondant colors? We have several to choose from. Used for highlights, ribbons,pearls, and many cake decorations. In fact, gray and yellow are the new “popular” colors! Addsome pearl or sheen to bring out a sterling color with the light gray or antique silver with the darkgray. Click on a gray color swatch below to see a larger view.
After choosing your perfect gray fondant color our system will give you theflavors available then present you with the products offered that match yourselection. We are excited about fondant colors!
Looking for gray fondant colors? We have severalto choose from. Used for highlights, ribbons, pearls,and many cake decorations. In fact, gray and yelloware the new “popular” colors! Add some pearl orsheen to bring out a sterling color with the light grayor antique silver with the dark gray. Click on a graycolor swatch below to see a larger view.
After choosing your perfect gray fondant color oursystem will give you the flavors available thenpresent you with the products offered that matchyour selection. We are excited about fondant colors!