Yes, there are shades of sage green fondant colors.Primary colors are used with other primaries to make secondary colors. Secondary colors are mixed withprimaries and secondaries to make tertiary colors. These sage greens are used in birthday cakedesigns, weddings, highlights, ribbons, flowers, leaves, and many other edible decorations. When youneed that perfect green color you will find it here.
Choose your perfect sage green below and our system will give you a choiceof flavor options then present you with our products that match your choices.Go green and let’s “kick the bucket” together!
Yes, there are shades of sage green fondant colors.Primary colors are used with other primaries to makesecondary colors. Secondary colors are mixed withprimaries and secondaries to make tertiary colors.These sage greens are used in birthday cake designs,weddings, highlights, ribbons, flowers, leaves, andmany other edible decorations. When you need thatperfect green color you will find it here.
Choose your perfect sage green below and our systemwill give you a choice of flavor options then presentyou with our products that match your choices. Gogreen and let’s “kick the bucket” together!